The SafeSourcing e-newsletter offers valuable industry news as well as insight into our company, our growing list of new features, applications, tools, and expanding services portfolio.

June, 2020 - "Life in the Covid-19 ERA"- This issue of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses current issues concerning Covid-19 and ways in which life is getting back to a more regular schedule, what areas we still truggle, which products there are shortages on, and when we can expect to be able to get them. In addition, you can find out which categories had recent savings.
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May, 2020 - "The Imapct of Covid-19 on the U.S. Food Industry"- May's issue discusses the impact the pandemic has had on the food industry, specifically meat, eggs, dairy, berries, and even garlic. In addition, you can find out which categories had recent savings.
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April, 2020 - "Stop Worrying and The History of Toilet Paper" April's e-newsletter discusses the two concerns of many people during the Covid-19 Pandemic, worry and toilet paper. Find out more on these and which categories had recent savings over 34%.
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March, 2020 - "Phones and Watches... A Pain in the Neck" March's e-newsletter discusses the recent decline in smartphones sales and why, plus what is happening with smart watches. Also,find out which categories had recent savings.
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February, 2020 - "Coronavirus" February's issue of the SafeSourcing newsletter goes into details about the Coronavirus outbreak and the ways it is affecting the globe. Also,find out which categories had recent savings.
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January, 2020 - "Robots" The year's first issue of the SafeSourcing newsletter talks about robots and their impact on industry, the workplace, and consumers. Find out where you might encounter robots and how they can and do affect your life and company.
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December, 2019 - "Health and Beauty" Read the December issue to find out what products have recently been recalled and why, and also find out what the outcome of this recall has had on the health and beauty industry as well as retailers.
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November, 2019 - "Tariffs" This month's issue of the e-newsletter looks into the current tariff battle and discusses what that could mean for different industries and how it might affect you. Find out what many retailers are doing in light of the tariffs and also find out which categories showed recent savings
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October, 2019 - "Freight" October's issue talks about areas of freight that have recently changed, from FedEx to Amazon, Uber, and emissions. Learn exactly what has been going on, plus which categories have had recent savings.
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September, 2019 - "Marketing Convenience to the Modern Customer" Learn how some companies are reaching Millennial and Gen-Z consumers to gain customers and what role automation could be playing at a retailer near you.
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August, 2019 - "Logistics" Find out how many start up companies are beginning to use e-commerce technology, how facial recognition affects your shopping experience, and how some employers are getting new recruits.
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July, 2019 - "Meat and Meat Alternatives" Discover more on what is happening in the meat industry and what alternatives some companies are looking to bring to you for your meat needs.
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June, 2019 - "Fun-Gi Packaging" In this issue you can learn how fungi is helping to reduce waste. You can also find out the trend of how some businesses and states are working to reduce their waste.
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May, 2019 - "Automation!" May's e-Newsletter discusses news and stories concerning automation, from robots within retailers to self driing cars. Download a copy to read more and also find out which categories you could potentially see savings.
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April, 2019 - "The Chicken and the Egg" April's e-Newsletter edition talks about chickens and eggs, from chocolate to brains. Also, download a copy to read more and find out which categories you could potentially see savings.
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March, 2019 - "Grocery News" The March e-Newsletter edition discusses news within the grocery industry, including frozen dinner recalls, numerous price increases, and new ways grocers are enticing customers. Download a copy to read more and find out which categories you could potentially see savings.
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February, 2019 - "What's happening in Logistics and the Supply Chain?" - Our February e-Newsletter highlights our very own as recipient of the 2019 Pros to Know award and Food Logistics Champion award. Also, find out in which categories you could potentially see savings.
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January, 2019 - "Changes in the Food Industry in 2018" - January e-Newsletter highlights some of the changes in 2018 within the food industry, such as weather affecting fishing, the rise in DoorDash, market prices of truffles, and more. Also, find out which food categories had recent savings.
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December, 2018 - "New Technology Making Life Easier" - In this issue you can find out where robots will begin making more of an impact, from the places you shop, to your front door, and event to the food in your kitchen.
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November, 2018 - "Food Innovations" - November's e-newsletter issue discusses the latest in the food industry, including technology to track produce from field to store, food computers, and recent savings. To find out more, download the full newsletter by clicking the link below.
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October, 2018 - "Transportation - The trickle down issues of a robust economy" - To find out more, download the full newsletter by clicking the link below.
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September, 2018 - "Sustainable Seafood" - This issue of the SafeSourcing e-Newsletter focuses on seafood and our oceans, exploring topics such as pollutants, fishing practices, and seafood scorecards. To find out more, download the full newsletter by clicking the link below.
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August, 2018 - "What's For Lunch?" - The August SafeSourcing e-Newsletter discusses trends in the food industry, from delivery options and meal kits to phone apps. Also, you can find out which category recently saved over 60% off of total spend.
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July, 2018 - "Retailers Branching Out in Different Markets" - This issue discusses trends in the market concerning such things as niche stores, the growth of current stores, and alcohol awards for places not expected.
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June, 2018 - "Fuel Increases - Coal, Shale, and Gas" - This issue discusses the rising prices of fuel sources, what may have contributed to the price surge, and what that could mean for you.
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May, 2018 - "Tainted Romaine Lettuce Recall" - This issue covers some recent developments related to romaine lettuce and recent E. coli outbreaks.
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April, 2018 - "Shortage of Trucks and Truck Drivers" - This issue considers the factors driving supply and demand in the transportation industry and some of the key drivers of increasing costs.
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March, 2018 - "The Future of Cooperatives in Agriculture" - This issue explores the advantages of trends within the agriculture industry, what role cooperatives have to play in it, and how the future tax code could affect those in the field.

February, 2018 - "Grocery Store Innovations!" - Find out what is new in the grocery industry from Kroger to Amazon. Also, learn which category savings were over 21% of total spend.
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January, 2018 - "Communication Skills in the Job Market" - The first issue of the year discusses not only why communication skills are needed in the workplace, but also other methods of communication that are effective and ineffective. Also, learn about gender bias when filling a position.
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December, 2017 - "Do You Ever Feel Like Someone is Watching You?" - This month's blog discusses how Amazon could soon be entering your home and how businesses are beginning to film employees. Plus, find out what new technology you may soon see at the airport.
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November, 2017 - "Food Innovations - Feeding the World!" - Find out what is new in the food markets, from new and different kinds of sweeteners to global production of fish. Also, find out where protein could be coming from in the future.
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October, 2017 - "Hurricanes Affecting Gas and Diesel Market" - This issue focuses on changing gas and diesel prices, especially with natural disasters, along with solutions to today's problems and the latest in technology. Also, discover what category saved over 51% of total spend.
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September, 2017 - "Corrugated vs. Cardboard" - Find out the history of corrugated paper, the difference between corrugated and cardboard, and what changes you can expect in the shipping market. Also, discover what category saved over 18% of total spend.
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August, 2017 - "International Grocers and the Impact on the US Market" - Read about what areas of the market have had an impact and learn which recent category saved over 15% of total spend.
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July, 2017 - Find out what changes in the fuel market are making headlines in July's e-Newsletter. Also, discover new technologies emerging in the electric car industry and which category you could be savings over 29% of total spend.
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June, 2017 - This issue focuses on all things recycling - from plastic bottles to shipping containers. Learn what has been happening in the recycling process and which category saw savings over 36%.
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May, 2017 - Find out the global impact on Fair Trade regulations and also which categories saw savings over 58%.
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April, 2017 - Why is it always job cuts in order to increase profitability? Target 10% of your spend and increase earnings by up to 100%
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March, 2017 - Are you aware how much margin your vendor is making? Find out more on this, as well as what is new with China, Apple, and Snapchat. Plus, find out which category saw savings over 59%.
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February, 2017 - Climate Changes May Be Costly - Read about recent news from global climates changes, the oil and natural gas industry, to mocktails.
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January, 2017 - A new year brings news for everyone. From grocery stores to flight attendants, find out what has made headlines in the first SafeSourcing e-Newsletter of the year. Plus, find out which category recently had over 30% savings off total spend.
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December, 2016 - "Consumers Still Crave Sugar" This month discusses news concerning Coca-Cola, soda tax, and sugary snacks. Plus find out which categories recently had over 20 % savings off total spend.
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November, 2016 - In this issue, you can find out the difficulties facing craft breweries and what changes are happening for sick leave in the workplace. Also, find out which category had 75% savings off total spend.
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October, 2016 - Issue 18 highlights the latest news from rice crops, to shipping ports, to hand soap.Also, find out which category recently had 29% savings off spend.
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September, 2016 - Issue 17 discusses topics from the struggle many small businesses now face to recent wildlife testing positive for drugs. Also, find out which category recently had 27% savings off spend.
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August, 2016 - How Weather Affects Growers- Issue 16 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses how the weather can and has affected industries from avocados to syrup, plus learn which category recently had over 40% savings.
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July, 2016 - FDA Under Scutiny- Issue 15 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter examines recent findings concerning the FDA. Plus ,find out what category had 48% recent savings.
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June, 2016 - Issue 14 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter highlights some the recent findings in a major retailer as well as the latest in the trucking industry.
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May, 2016 - Issue 13 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses what's new with some of the big food players.
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April, 2016 - Issue 12 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses the latest industry news from fighting nut allergies to the newest mega ships.
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March, 2016 - Issue 11 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter "Knowledge is the Procurement Professionals job in their customer's Health and Safety Concerns."
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February, 2016 - Issue 10 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter is all about oil and how it affects each one of us. Find out more as well as recent areas of savings in this month's e-Newsletter.
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January, 2016 - Issue 9 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses how the weather can affect commodities as well as the trending Facebook at Work site.

December, 2015 - Issue 8 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses possible changes in Obamacare and the current disputes in truck drivers' pay. You can also learn which category one company saved over 39% off their annual spend
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November, 2015 - Issue 7 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses a change in eggs at one national food chain and who was acquired by a major computer brand. Also, find out in which category one company saved over 27% off their annual spend
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October, 2015 - Putting Teeth Into Food Safety: Issue 6 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses recent cases of food poisoning and what measures have been taken to prevent another outbreak.
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September, 2015 - Issue 5 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter is all about food and farming. Read the industry news on food and where customers saved over $7,000,000!
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August, 2015 - Issue 4 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter covers industry news about GMOs, the trade cost to Americans, El Niño, and where you could save over 38% off spend. Plus, find out how you can win a gift card!

July, 2015 - Issue 3 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter covers industry news from Google to Pepsi. You can also find out where a company saved over $1.2 million.
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June, 2015 - Issue 2 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter covers industry news about Bird-Flu, GMOs, and the origin of your food. Also, you can find out where one company saved 32.5% on their annual spend.
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May, 2015 - The first issue of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter covers industry news about oil, package delivery, and even chickens. You can also read about some of the awards given to SafeSourcing and find out where someone saved over $900,000 in one year.
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January, 2016 - Issue 9 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses how the weather can affect commodities as well as the trending Facebook at Work site.
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January, 2016 - Issue 9 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses how the weather can affect commodities as well as the trending Facebook at Work site.
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January, 2016 - Issue 9 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses how the weather can affect commodities as well as the trending Facebook at Work site.
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January, 2016 - Issue 9 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses how the weather can affect commodities as well as the trending Facebook at Work site.
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February, 2016 - Issue 10 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter is all about oil and how it affects each one of us. Find out more as well as recent areas of savings in this month's e-Newsletter.
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March, 2016 - Issue 11 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter "Knowledge is the Procurement Professionals job in their customer's Health and Safety Concerns."
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April, 2016 - Issue 12 of SafeSourcing's e-Newsletter discusses the latest industry news from fighting nut allergies to the newest mega ships.
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November, 2017 - "Food Innovations - Feeding the World!" - Find out what is new in the food markets, from new and different kinds of sweeteners to global production of fish. Also, find out where protein could be coming from in the future.
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November, 2017 - "Food Innovations - Feeding the World!" - Find out what is new in the food markets, from new and different kinds of sweeteners to global production of fish. Also, find out where protein could be coming from in the future.
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